Officer Responsibilities

Officers are volunteers who are elected by the Board of Directors. The term of service is one year. 

  • Set the agenda and preside over Board meetings
  • Assist the Treasurer in approving and paying invoices on behalf of the LTPOA
  • Liaise with the Finance and Long-Range Planning Committees to establish and accomplish goals
  • Sign legal and financial documents on behalf of the LTPOA

  • Serve as proxy for the President in situations where she/he is unable to carry out duties
  • In conjunction with the President, act as liaison with the committees to ensure the completion of action items

  • Maintain accurate and timely financial records
  • Work with outside bookkeeper in the preparation of financial statements and reports
  • Send yearly assessment invoices
  • Approve payments and issue checks on behalf of the Association

  • Keep minutes of meetings and provide them to the membership in a timely manner
  • Be custodian of Association documents, records, and corporate seal