Compliance & Grievance Information

From the Laurel Thicket Property Owners Association Board of Directors

Compliance with community rules ensures the continuing enjoyment we all desire in keeping our neighborhood a desirable place to live. We all share the responsibility to maintain the standards we as a property owners association have established for the mutual benefit of lot owners and renters alike. It is the intention of the board to hold residents accountable to adherence to the C & Rs and will follow the enforcement guidelines established in our governing documents, as well as the North Carolina State statutes. This information is being shared to remind property owners of their obligations as members of the Laurel Thicket Community.

You can find a copy of the community rules and regulations, along with monthly POA Board meeting minutes on our website under Documents/Forms/Minutes: Laurel Thicket POA  

Direct links to governing documents are provided below: 
LTPOA Bylaws 
LTPOA Covenants & Restrictions   
Chapter 47F NC Planned Community Act

A reminder to lot owners who are renting their property:
Renters are subject to the same POA rules and regulations as owners. It is the responsibility of owners to convey pertinent information to their renters and ensure their compliance with LTPOA rules.

Some examples of compliance issues being brought to our attention are listed below.

A direct link to the LTPOA Compliance Documents of governing documents can be found here:  LTPOA Compliance Documents

  • Vehicle Parking - Section III Other Rules and Restrictions (page 9 item 8). No trailer, bus, camping vehicle, family motor home or tractor may be stored or regularly parked on the premises except in garages or well screened enclosures.
  • Junk Vehicles - Section III Other Rules and Restrictions (page 9 item 10). No inoperable vehicles will be permitted on the premises. The association may have all such vehicles towed at the owner’s expense.
  • Garbage and Trash Containers - Section III Other Rules and Restrictions (page 9 item 2). Containers for garbage or other refuse shall be kept in sanitary conditions in enclosures so as not to be accessible to animals or visible when such enclosure is shut.
  • Building Requirements - Section II, (page 7 item e). No building, fence, mailbox, outside lighting, newspaper box, screen planting or other improvements shall be erected, placed, or altered …until building plans…have been approved in writing by the Architectural Committee….Section II, (page 7 item g). All lots subject to these requirements shall be used as single-family residential…sites only & Section II (page 7 item j) no house, including trim, shall be stained or painted, or siding applied without prior color approval…. The color shall be earth tones.
  • Section III- Other Rules and Restrictions (page 8 2nd paragraph). Residents must not interfere with the right of other residents to the quiet enjoyment of their property. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be considered an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. There shall not be maintained any plants or animals, nor device or thing of any sort whose normal activities or existence in any way noxious, dangerous, unsightly. Unpleasant, or of any other nature that may diminish or destroy the enjoyment of other property in the neighborhood by the owners thereof. It shall be the responsibility of the lot owner to prevent the development of any unclean, unsightly, unkempt, unhealthy, or unsafe conditions of the owner’s lot which tends to substantially decrease the beauty or value of the properties, neighborhood as a whole, or the specific area.

Please take some time to review our current LTPOA governing documents. We are taking steps to update and revise the Laurel Thicket POA Covenants & Restrictions, as well as the By-Laws. We invite your input regarding suggested changes, clarifications, additions, and deletions in our governing documents. This is a complicated and time consuming process which will require attention and cooperation from the member lot owners of Laurel Thicket Property Owners Association.


Please feel free to contact the LTPOA Board with any questions or concerns about this notice. At the bottom of the form, please choose the option to send your comments to the Compliance Committee.

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